Our Ministries

Our nursery department 6 months thru 2 years old.This ministry exists to introduce every child ... more

This ministry exists to introduce every child that comes into our care to Jesus, while allowing ... more

Kids Under ConstructionKids Under Construction
For1st thru 6th grade children. Our mission is to train young people in biblical truths and ... more

Abiding In Christ Youth MinistryAbiding In Christ Youth Ministry
For youth 7th thru 12th grade. Our mission is to show the youth of this generation how to have ... more

Music MinistryMusic Ministry
This ministry exists to build a team that is 100 percent driven by the Holy Spirit in our ... more

Men's MinistryMen's Ministry
"Manhood and Christ-Likeness are Synonymous" The Men's Ministry of ... more

Our Team is committed to creating champions by providing qualified teachers and caregivers to all the children and young people God brings to us. We currently have 3 age groups in the Nursery ages 0-2, Preschool ages 3-5, Children’s Ministry 1st-6th Grade. Then for the older yourng people, Ignite Student Ministries for teens 7th through 12th grade.